Pezzetti Moka Pot


Great for a morning brew, especially with some Barnraiser coffee, it’ll soon be a part of your ritual alongside your toast. 

A Pezzetti Moka Potis an easy and inexpensive way to brew coffee with a heavy, sweet, espresso style richness, it’s also fun to watch the coffee bubbling up through the spout.

A 3-cup Pezzetti Moka Pot will give you just under 200ml of coffee, great for one person, and the 6-cup will give you just under 300ml, easy to share or for a bigger coffee hit for one. 

Also to get you started we’ll send you a 250g bag of Barnraiser (ground for Moka Pot if you need – although we recommend trying to grind fresh)

Please note the Moka Pot is made of aluminium so will not work directly on induction hobs – you’ll need an induction plate.

See how we brew with a Bialetti Moka Pot check out our brewing guide here.

If you’re new to using a Moka Pot we recommend Barnraiser or Mystere et Prestige to get you started.  

Additional Info:

  • Food grade aluminium
  • Pressure safety valve – which can be cleaned if blocked by limescale